Thursday, 7 May 2009

A commision, part 1

My brother asked me to make some cards for his friends. The first one, I was told, was for an 18 year old girl who is very girly. I had bought some butterfly peel-offs that day as I'd seen a demonstration using them and acetate to create an effect. I also had bought some polyester sheets [much cheaper than acetate and does the same job ;)] and created this:


You can't tell so much, but the wings have been coloured in with pens too. My brother said his friend would love it - the word he used was "perfect", which made me a little proud :)

The next commision hasn't been started yet, but the other friend is 'girly emo' - so watch this space!


Glamglass said...

Very good effect with the peel off butterfly!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've tagged you!

nomadcraftsetc said...

Great design! I really like it! I love the butterflies!