Awww, isn't he cute? The variables are the colour of his (or her!) body - the main bear colour and the colour of his shirt. You can have the shirt sleeveless, short sleeved or long sleeved and the length of the shirt can be altered to be the length of a dress, if you so wish!
All you have to do, is comment on this blog post and let me know what colour(s) YOU would choose if you won your own custom bear! Bonus entries available for sharing this post on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, but please post each entry as a separate comment and link to the post that you shared it in!
NB: If you are entering from outside the mainland UK, I would ask that if you are successful, would you please cover the cost of postage? Customs charges can be a pain!
PS: One other thing! I forgot to put a closing date on this post before, so I shall leave it open until.... 5th August at midnight GMT. So still plenty of time for you all!