Monday, 26 October 2009

Facebook, commissions and craft fayres - OH MY!!

Well, I know I said I would update this more often, but it has just totally slipped my mind. I HAVE been doing a fair amount of crafting, I just... well to be honest, I haven't had the motivation to blog it! I was considering joining in NaBloPoMo next month too but I really don't think I'll be able to keep it up! It would defintiely be an inspiration to do more cradfting, which I definitely need to do as I have been invited to hold a stall at my very first Craft Fayre! It's on the 28th November at Hamstreet Village Hall, Hamstreet, Nr Ashford, Kent from 10am-2pm and I'm so excited about it! But, it's half term, and my main focus is keeping the kids - specifically DD - occupied for the week.

Anyway, if you're a regular on my blog, you may have noticed the Facebook fan page link just over there ----> see it? If you click on it, you can become a fan of The Crafty Ninja on Facebook if you aren't already! A few weeks back, I gained my 100th fan - the lovely Kathryn. I offered her a free commission, which she accepted for her mother's birthday. She gave me a little info about her mum - what interests her, etc - and I came up with this:

I have no idea why it's so small, but you can see more pictures of it from after Kathryn received it, her review and a lovely flattering post about me at her own blog Future Queen and her Crafty Ways! A big thank you to Kathryn and everyone who helps support me, you are all fantastic!